Sunday, November 29, 2009


In my search for a web 2.0 tool that I could use for high school math I started looking at educational games, note taking sites, blog sites, something that I could see my students logging into and using. I looked at Flickr and found some great photos that I can use for Geometry in the real world. Not anything that I feel can be a stand-alone unit. Then I found Yaca Paca!

Yaca Paca is a site that teachers and students can log into and complete assignments. I logged in as a teacher, picked some assignments that I want my Algebra students to complete. They will go to the site, log in and have a chance to practice factoring and solving equations. The site checks the student’s answer as the work through the problems providing immediate feedback. I like that these questions are not multiple choice, taking away the students ability to just guess one of the letters.

My students will go to the following site, log in and then I can go back and check their scores. Before a student starts the assignments they set a goal of what percent they hope to get right. It makes them think a bit about what they are trying to achieve.

I applied to be able to have writing privileges so that I can come up with quizzes/assignments that would be appropriate for my geometry students. I think that this site has some real potential and if all goes well I will be using it again. The true test will come when I try and access it from school. I am hoping that students are able to log on at school so that I can have them break into groups, one group at the computers completing the online work.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Using blogs in education can be a great way for teachers to reach students outside of the classroom. In this technological world using the internet is a way to increase student motivation, give students a chance to respond without being put on the spot, let them practice reading and writing, as well as increase class discussion time.

A friend of mine has been using twitter and NIng to maintain contact with her students this year. Ning has been effective and is not blocked on our campus. She has been able to post information for students but also answer questions and help students when they are working on their homework. Students can refer to her blog for hints in upcoming years.

Blogs can be used as a place to post assignments, communicate with parents, provide examples, notes for absent students, provide online readings, showcase students work, link to another class in the world or post relevant information. As I researched through the uses of blogs I began to brainstorm things that I want to try with my classes. I have a wikispace for my classes, connecting to appropriate blogs will give my students a different viewpoint on what they are learning. There are many great math teachers out there that have posted some awesome tools. Helping my students to locate these, and learn to locate more will only help in my quest to make them lifelong learners.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I chose these three so that I could get some great ideas on teaching math and engaging my students. I enjoy learning from other teachers and getting/sharing ideas on best practices.
26870 Math Lesson Plans Reviewed by Teachers

MathWorld Headline News

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

NCTM (NCTM) on Twitter

PBS is full of cheap and easy ideas to use in my classroom.

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom

I get a weekly update sent to my school email on calculator activities to use in my classroom. I enjoy these weekly updates, thought more info would be even better.
TI Math

I am doing my action research project on using games to teach mathematics. I chose these feeds to keep me up-to-date on games in education.

Wii Love Learning: Using Gaming Technology to Engage Students

Gaming in Education ? ECI 831 Cameron Shumay

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My iGoogle PLE tabs.


Monday, November 23, 2009

First blog

This is my first blog on my new blogger account.
I began looking through various articles showing the effect blogging has had on education. I am not done with this task, just out of time for the moment. This did give me the chance to check out google scholar for the first time, nice new search engine I will use again.